Your Company

Know every move your competitors make.

A weekly report of your top competitors, easily digestible, so you can be informed without lifting a finger. Sign up to get your first report for free.

The only report you need

Be the first to know

Stop wasting time checking websites, and start your week informed with the most comprehensive competitor analysis out there.

Messaging changes.
Your weekly screenshots will show any changes competitors are making to their messaging and copy.
Pricing updates.
Spot pricing and packaging changes, and see how competitors are evolving their proposition.
New visuals.
Be the first to know about new branding, colours, layout, and more with full page screenshots of each competitor.
Product screenshot

Frequently asked questions

Can’t find the answer you’re looking for? Reach out to our customer support team.

What information can I find out about competitors?
RivalReport gives you a screenshot of each of your competitor's websites, along with a growing list of helpful marketing related information depending on the plan you're on.
How often can I get my report?
By default, reports are sent on a weekly basis. If youd like to receive your report on a different schedule, please get in touch.
Can I send the report to more than one email?
You can send your report to multiple people depending on the plan you're on.
How do I change the competitors I track?
You can change the competitors you're tracking at any time via your account dashboard. Your next report will reflect the updated list of competitors.
Can I cancel if I no longer want reports?
Absolutely. You can update or cancel your plan at any time via our self-service billing area.

Simple no-tricks pricing

Sign up now for our introductory pricing — one simple monthly price for all your competitor reporting needs.

The only competitor analysis you need

Everything you need to know about your competitors in one easy-to-digest weekly email report.

What’s included

  • Monitor up to 5 competitors
  • Weekly full-page screenshots
  • Weekly email report featuring all screenshots
  • Early access to new features

One simple price


Get Your Report

7 day free trial. Invoices and receipts available for easy company reimbursement.